Cinema program "Polskie gówno" in Toruń
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"Polskie gówno"
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Runtime: 93 min.
Production: Polska , 2014
Category: comedy / music
Release Date: 6 February 2015
Distribution: Next Film
Directed by: Grzegorz Jankowski
Cast: Tymon Tymański, Robert Brylewski, Grzegorz Halama
Group transistors Pruszcza Gdansk embarks on a tour organized by the bailiff Czeslaw scandal. Accompanied by psychedelic driver Gudeyko state, once the leader of the legendary punk group.
Along the way, they discover the dark card musicians Polish show business - because that in the era of talent show and pervasive commercialism can succeed without sacrificing ideals? In the world of home "show-Bizu" Initiation those who know the rules inside and out. The rock frontman role played by Tymon Tymański, and accompanied by terrific actors and legends of Polish music, including Robert Brylewski, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Grzegorz Halama, Sonia Bohosiewicz and Czeslaw Mozil.
"Polish shit" is the first comedy in such an uncompromising way of exposing the scenes of Polish music industry. Tymon Tymański scenario is based on the experience gained during many years of his career. Transistors With the band's history, viewers finally get an invitation to the backstage, where competitions are really hardcore scene.
The film tells the story of an old rock seasoned team of Gdansk Pruszcza who return to the stage to promote his album, while also play some wild shows, earn some money and to party hard. At least that's the plan ...
The reality is quite different. The musicians are finding that rock'n'roll was a difficult piece of bread. Deceived by the greedy manager-bailiff, is every day more and more disappointed with the direction in which their career aims. Corny clubs, municipal festivals and galas school are not the peak of their dreams. Disappointed team members exhibit their underground ideals to the test and report to the popular talent show. What price will they pay for having an affair with idol "show-Bizu"? As this attempt will affect their
Years of friendship?

Movie trailer: Polskie gówno
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żenujący film
Plus za odważny temat i
kilka dobrych scen ale to nie
film do kina
Bylo zaznaczyć że to film
do oglądania w sprośnym i
pijanym towarzystwie podczas
ps, dzwięk beznadzieje,
ciężko cokolwiek usłyszeć z
Film na pewno wart oglądnięcia. Właśnie wróciłem z kina. Na pewno nie dla gówniarzy i "starych (mniej lub bardziej) trypli kościółkowych" ale dla ludzi w wieku 30-45 lat, bo oni to zrozumieją, zwłaszcza tacy, którzy nie byli grzeczni jak byli młodzi :-) Choć, muszę przyznać, że na filmie były dwie osoby w wieku około 60 lat! :-)
Taki film jaki tytuł !!!
świetny. nie dla każdego. 2 i 3 dno prawdy. Jak zazwyczaj widzisz tylko to, na co patrzysz - nie idź.