Cinema program "The Grump" in Toruń
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"The Grump"
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Runtime: 104 min.
Production: Finlandia , 2014
Release Date: 19 June 2015
Distribution: Bomba Film
Directed by: Dome Karukoski
Cast: Antti Litja, Petra Frey, Mari Perankoski
OLD MAN AND MAY is a story that used to be better. About someone who remembers that then everything was as it should be. Then, that somehow before the year 1953. What happened then, only human blood spoils.
Aged, slightly grumpy Drażliwiec stumbled while descending to the basement. Rehabilitation awaits him in one of Helsinki hospitals. This turn of events is not on hand to him for four reasons:
1) will have to take a taxi,
2) not be able to give the soup suffering from Alzheimer's disease to his wife,
3) he is not driving, so there is a risk rides with baba behind the wheel
4) will have to spend time with his family.
In this - with his daughter in law.
Drażliwca in-law is a modern career woman. He likes the old man, who can only complain. The prospect of addressing in-law is all the more embarrassing that awaits her task - to strike a deal with Russian businessmen.
Someone certainly napsuje a lot of blood ...