Cinema program "Killing Gunther" in Toruń
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"Killing Gunther"
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Runtime: 92 min.
Production: USA , 2017
Category: action / comedy
Release Date: 27 April 2018
Distribution: Spectator
Directed by: Taran Killam
Cast: Cobie Smulders, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Taran Killam
Getting Gunther is a movie inspired by works such as Nice art, Man bites the dog and the Spinal Tap series. You can see the influence of Christopher Guest, Michael Mann and Luc Besson. And Arnold Schwarzenegger - better than ever!
Getting Gunther is a comedy that happens in the world of paid murderers. A group of young, inexperienced killers decides to murder the most mysterious, hated and infamous in the industry: Gunther (Arnold Schwarzenegger). In this way, they want to climb in the hierarchy.
With a gun in hand, they force a documentary crew to record the whole event because they want to have proof of their achievement. The search for Gunther begins. The group is headed by an elegant but lost Blake (Taran Killam), accompanied by a jumble of small cutthroats: Donnie's healthily kicked (Bobby Moynihan), feminist femme fatale Sanna (Hannah Simone) and brutal Russian siblings Mia and Barold (Allison Tolman and Ryan Gaul).
Before the first shots fall, the elaborate plan begins to fall. Gunther learns that someone is hunting him and decides to take revenge. But death is not enough: he wants to have fun before, that's why he makes the whole group stop trusting themselves, and he's on the heels of stomping on the heels of the FBI. Gunther seems to always be a few moves forward, and those who wanted to be hunters unexpectedly become game animals.

Movie trailer: Killing Gunther
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Arnie pojawia się na ekranie przez jakieś 10-15 minut... i to jest jest dobre 10-15 minut. Reszta... słaba i nudna. Jak ktoś się bardzo nudzi, to można obejrzeć - taki średnio słaby film do popcornu i tyle